Hi everyone,
I am trying to build a route planner that tells me the optimum route based on some conditions. I can't use google route planner, because the route points are not on google maps.
Here is an example of data.
From To Travel Time Min time to come back A B 00:01:00 00:05:00 A C 00:02:00 00:01:00 B A 00:01:00 00:05:00 B C 00:03:00 00:01:00 C A 00:02:00 00:05:00 C B 00:03:00 00:05:00
So basically i want to find out for any set/number of points where to start, what route to take to make the shortest time with the goal of reaching all route points if i need to go through all the points 3 times.