Hi - i have a column of text in column A on sheet1. Then i also have a two column table (A:B) on sheet2. In column B on Sheet1 I want to check if the values in column A on sheet1 contain the values from the column A on sheet2, then return the values from column B on sheet2.
Col A (sheet1)
"Big Dogs"
"little Dogs"
"scary dogs"
"big bears"
"little cats"
"bunny rabbits"
Col A&B (sheet2)
Col A / Col B
"dogs" / "dog link"
"cats" / "cat link"
"bears" / "bear link"
"rabbits" / "rabbit link"
in Col B on sheet 1 it should return the following values:
"dog link"
"dog link"
"dog link"
"bear link"
"cat link"
"rabbit link"
How do i achieve this please? I was thinking an IF formula but couldn't figure out how - appreciate some help.