Yup, just copy paste. Or rather just select one cell with a formula, grab it by the lower right corner and drag down.
First of all, there is no need to LOOKUP anything, you just want to look at the same rows of data from a different sheet. Since your sheets are all the same (same columns used) it is just a matter of using the = sign.
As a general example, putting this formula in A1 in a fictive sheet: would just give you the value from A1 in Sheet2. Copying down would give you all the rows you wanted.
I did the same thing but instead of providing a fixed sheet reference, I'm building up the reference with the contents of your two input cells. The & operators are for concatenating values or strings. The string parts has to be surrounded by "". The INDIRECT function evaluates the string that I built up and converts it into a real reference. Under the Formulas banner there is a button called Evaluate Formula. Select a single cell with a formula and hit that button to see the formula calculate, step by step.