Hi Everyone!

I'm having a horrible time trying to figure out how to achieve what I want in Excel. On the attached spreadsheet I have 5 columns listed as "Company Name","Amount","Ship Date", "Margin" and "Class". What I am trying to do is a sum product function that will multiply the "amount" by the "margin", but only if the "Company Name", "Ship Date" and "Class" in that row meet certain criteria. For example:

Lets say that on the attached spreadsheet, I want to know overall margin for wall (class) orders that were shipped in January (ship date) for Store A (company name). I can get the information I want by just doing the sumproduct for those specific cells, but when I have a larger spreadsheet, I want to just be able to put in the formula and not have to search it all out myself.

I would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give me, or if you could even point me in the right direction. I've tried everything I can think of to no avail.

