Thanks to any who have ideas on this one.
I'm using AVERAGEIFS for the first time, which I understand to be essentially the same as COUNTIFS but with a range of values preceding the criteria ranges and criteria.
I have a COUNTIFS function that works just fine. I need to now take an average of a range related to this COUNTIFS result. My problem is that the average_range preceding the COUNTIFS criteria produces "#VALUE!" if the range is on the same tab as the COUNTIFS criteria (it's coming from a large database on another tab). The fact that the database is on a different tab than the formula was not a problem for the COUNTIFS function, but it is for the AVERAGEIFS function.
If I move the average_range column that I'm trying to average to the same tab as the summary data, the funny thing is that this produces the correct average:
=AVERAGEIFS($CV$2:$CV$4500,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$R$2:$R$4500,"="&$D$44,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$N$2:$N$4500,"="&$B48,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$CS$2:$CS$4500,">="&$F$44,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$CS$2:$CS$4500,"<="&$H$44)
While having the average_range column in the original database produces #VALUE!
=AVERAGEIFS('Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$CV$2:$CV$4501,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$R$2:$R$4500,"="&$D$44,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$N$2:$N$4500,"="&$B47,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$CS$2:$CS$4500,">="&$F$44,'Ex.5.2 Complete Data'!$CS$2:$CS$4500,"<="&$H$44)
Any ideas? THANK YOU!