Good Morning All, I am new to this site and would describe myself at a moderate user of Excel who still needs guidance and help.
I have a spreadsheet that basically has 4 columns
6 Month Service / 12 Month Service / Due Date / Type
If I put a date in 6 Month I want due date to be 6 months Later - I have used this forumla =IF(ISBLANK(G10),"",SUM(G10+182)) it gives me the required date, this also works for 12 Month
My problem is that I want the columns to work like this 6 Month has a date, 12 Month is left blank, Due date is populated then Type should show "6 monthly" the other option is 12 Month has a date, 6 Month is left blank, Due date is populated then type should show "12 monthly"
To get the 6 Month date I use this formula - =IF(ISBLANK(A10),"",SUM(A10+182))
To get the 12 Month date I use this formula - =IF(ISBLANK(A11),"",SUM(A11+360))
I tried =IF(ISBLANK(A10),"",SUM(A10+182),IF(ISBLANK(A11),"",SUM(A11+360)))) but got an error
Any Help would be appreciated