Please refer to attached file.
I need to apply the conditional formatting as explain below.
I have data in Cell B3:K12 which shows if the task listed in column A are completed or not ( 1 mean completed, 0 mean not completed)
It's 12 digit number consist of 0 and 1.
Each digit is referring to each month of the year.
(1st digit is for Jan, 2 for Feb .....12th for Dec)
Basically 1 means task is completed and 0 means task is incomplete
So Example :
A3 = 111000000000 means task for task#1 for Jan,Feb and Mar are completed and Apr thru Dec not completed.
Based on Current month which is in cell C1 (April), all task upto Mar should have been completed.
So all numbers should be 111000000000.
I need to highlight all task which has been completed Green.
The task which are not completed needs to be highlighted Red.
If current month is May then for quality all task completed the number would be 111100000000 and then apply CF accordingly.
Let me Know if you have any questions.