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Multi-Match lookup Formula w/specific Text Output

  1. #1
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    Multi-Match lookup Formula w/specific Text Output

    Hello, if someone could help me with this that would be so awesome.

    This array formula will:

    1) Check the date (C4)
    2) Find first matching date in "Table6[SIM/ZONE Due Dates]"
    3) Display Items listed in the same row in Table6[Model]

    This formula is duplicated down the column but offset to find the next corresponding item in the data list with the same Due Date that matches the date in C4. So it will give me a full list of all the items that have the same date in C4.


    -Do the same thing but in column C in the example Weekly Summary sheet, but instead I want it to display "Yes" or "No" if the Info for that row exist.


    {=IFERROR(INDEX(Table6[Model], SMALL(IF('Weekly Summary'!C4=Table6[SIM/ZONE Due Date], ROW(Table6[SIM/ZONE Due Date])-MIN(ROW(Table6[SIM/ZONE Due Date]))+1, ""), ROW('Master Tracker'!A1)))&" SIMULATIONS", "")}

    Any help would be awesome, thank you.


    Last edited by synergeticink; 04-10-2014 at 12:00 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Help: Array Formula

    Try this (If I understood your needs correctly??)

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  3. #3
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    Re: Help: Array Formula

    Hey RudiS,

    Thank you for your reply.

    In the attached document you posted this array formula:

    {=IF(IFERROR(INDEX(Table1[[#All],[Model]], SMALL(IF('Weekly Summary'!$C$4=Table1[[#All],[SIM/ZONE Due Date]], ROW(Table1[[#All],[SIM/ZONE Due Date]])-MIN(ROW('Master Tracker'!$M$6:$M$17))+1, ""), ROW('Master Tracker'!$A$1)))&"", "")="","NO","YES")}

    While this does search the Master Tracker sheet for a date that matches todays date, it doesn't row-match with the Item # listed in the corresponding row in the Weekly Summary sheet.

    Just to clarify, what I need the formula to do is:

    1) VLOOKUP for a value (Date or Item #) that matches in the Master Tracker.
    2) HLOOKUP for the opposite value (Date or Item #).
    3) If both values exist in the same row, return "Yes", else return "No".

  4. #4
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    Re: Help: Array Formula

    Your post does not comply with Rule 1 of our Forum RULES. Your post title should accurately and concisely describe your problem, not your anticipated solution.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Help: Array Formula

    Title updated.

  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Multi-Match lookup Formula w/specific Text Output


    I'm afraid I'm over my head with this one? I still do not really understand what you need. You may need to rely on other forumla gurus to assist with this one. I have set up a non array formula, but I was merely playing around trying to conceptualize what you needed and manipulating the formula to try and get there... I doubt its practical for your needs.

    Anyways, I have attached the workbook nevertheless.
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