Hi there,
Perhaps easier if I provide an example as i'm not so good at explaining myself in excel speak..
In sheet 'Stock Codes', for each stock in column A, I am trying to find out how many times the Mkt Val (MM) of the Stock Code in sheet 'Holdings' is more that zero. The Mkt Val (MM) column is repeated multiple times. For the first stock code '2330-TW' I have highlighted the cells in Orange that I would like to count, and you can see that out of 25 highlighted, 20 of them are greater than zero (and this is the number I would like in column B of the 'stock codes' sheet). I think i need to combine some kind of lookup formula with a COUNTIF but I can't work out how.
I'm no good at VBA/macros so as simple a formula as possible would be great. I would also like to make no changes to the 'Holdings' sheet if possible as this is downloaded from another source and updated on a regular basis, however the columns will always be in the same order.
thanks so much for any help/advice you can give.