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Need formula in calculating SLA

  1. #1
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    Need formula in calculating SLA

    Hello Every One...

    I need your help is calculating SLA...

    My SLA requirements:

    Priority 3: 24 Hrs. (1 Business day)
    Priority 4: 48 Hrs. (2 Business days)
    Priority 5: 120 Hrs. (5 Business days)

    Support Hrs.
    24 Hrs. Monday to Friday (24 x5)

    It would be great if I have an option to exclude business holidays while calculating sla.

    Attached SLA Report
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Need formula in calculating SLA

    Helly Techy 321,

    It always helps if you give examples. I'm not sure if you want to determine whether SLA has been met given priority in D and the time range defined by columns G and H........or whether you want to get a future date/time based on the priority and one of those dates - please describe the result required and which parts of the data you expect to use
    Audere est facere

  3. #3
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    Re: Need formula in calculating SLA

    Quote Originally Posted by daddylonglegs View Post
    Helly Techy 321,

    It always helps if you give examples. I'm not sure if you want to determine whether SLA has been met given priority in D and the time range defined by columns G and H........or whether you want to get a future date/time based on the priority and one of those dates - please describe the result required and which parts of the data you expect to use

    Thanks for the reply

    I need the SLA report whether SLA MET OR SLA NOT MET... using the priorities in column D...

    SLA Should be calculated using COULMN G and Column H (Pending Closed DT - Registered DT
    )... SLA report should also have any option to add holidays if any...

    and the work hours are 24 HRS Monday to Friday ( 24 x 5)

    Thanks in Advance...

  4. #4
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    Re: Need formula in calculating SLA

    SLA should be calculated using the below requirements

    My SLA requirements:

    Priority 3: 24 Hrs. (1 Business day)
    Priority 4: 48 Hrs. (2 Business days)
    Priority 5: 120 Hrs. (5 Business days)

  5. #5
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Need formula in calculating SLA

    Your date/time values seem to be in text format, which introduces an extra complication....but you can use this formula in I2 copied down to convert to real date/times, work out the difference in business days and then compare against the correct SLA based on priority

    =IF(NETWORKDAYS(DATE(100+LEFT(G2,2),MID(G2,4,2),MID(G2,7,2)),DATE(100+LEFT(H2,2),MID(H2,4,2),MID(H2,7,2)))-1+RIGHT(H2,8)-RIGHT(G2,8)<=IF(D2=3,1,IF(D3=4,2,5)),"SLA Met","SLA Not Met")


    All date/times are Monday to Friday, as per your examples,
    All priorities are 3, 4 or 5

    If you want to exclude holiday dates too then list your holidays and name the range Holidays and then alter formula as follows:

    =IF(NETWORKDAYS(DATE(100+LEFT(G2,2),MID(G2,4,2),MID(G2,7,2)),DATE(100+LEFT(H2,2),MID(H2,4,2),MID(H2,7,2)),Holidays)-1+RIGHT(H2,8)-RIGHT(G2,8)<=IF(D2=3,1,IF(D3=4,2,5)),"SLA Met","SLA Not Met")

    See attached using first formula
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  6. #6
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    Re: Need formula in calculating SLA

    Thanks a ton daddylonglegs. The formula is working like a Charm. I appreciate your efforts.

    I added one more Column " I ". Now the SLA should be calculated as below

    IF Pending Closed DT ( Column H) less than or equal to Registered DT (Column G) SLA MET (if not ) Pending Closed DT ( Column H) less than or equal to Restored DT (Column I) then SLA is met if not SLA NOT MET..

    All Previous Priorities should be considered.
    Waiting for your Reply
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    Last edited by Techy321; 04-07-2014 at 02:35 AM. Reason: Need formula Refinement

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