Currently there is only one rate table being used the "From Vancouver To" table. The rates being calculated right now only incorporate the Destination Province and City Delivering Point tables, which are matching to the rates on the "From Vancouver to" table. In other words when I am choosing a destination city and province the freight is pulling these numbers from the "From Vancouver To" Table. =INDEX(Rates!A1:G39,MATCH(E28,Rates!A1:A39,0),MATCH(A28,Rates!A1:G1,1)) So as you can see in the formula currently being used its only matching E28 to the corresponding city on the From Vancouver To rate table.

I have individual rate tables for each city to the rest of the cities, for instance, From Calgary To every city like in the Vancouver rate table.

So what I want to do is be able to choose the Origin city, which is based on the origin province (Just using data validation here) and choose a destination city based on the destination province. Once those are chosen the corresponding "From (City) To" rate table will be match to the Origin city and the freight charge will match to the destination city on this rate table as well as the freight weight, finding the correct weight.

For example:

Freight Weight: 800, Origin Province: Alberta, Origin City: Edmonton, Destination Province: Ontario, Destination City: Toronto, Freight Charge:2

Hopefully that is more clear, sorry for not explaining it as well before hand.