I am trying to sum a range that is multiple columns (P6:T44) when three criteria are met. The first criteria is text (B6:B44) and the other two are dates (E6:E44 and F6:F44). T47 is the date I am comparing against. There are blank rows throughout.

First I did this: =SUMIFS(T6:T44,B6:B44,"Revolver",E6:E44,"<=" & T47,F6:F44,">=" & T47) which returned a VALUE error. Some Googling told me that SUMIFS doesn't work over multiple columns. Ok.

So, second, I did this: =SUMPRODUCT((B6:B44="Revolver")*(E6:E44<=T47)*(F6:F44>=T47),(P6:T44)) and I am still getting a VALUE error.

In both cases it works if I narrow the sum range to T6:T44, but I don't love the idea of doing this 5 times (one per column) and then summing those, especially since I will have to add a new column every month. Does anyone have an alternate solution? Thanks!