I have two columns of dates that look something like this:
(Column A (Column B) Order Received Order Processed 02/14/2014 02/14/2014 02/15/2014 02/25/2014 n/a 02/16/2014 canceled 02/16/2014 02/17/2014 n/a n/a 02/17/2014 02/28/2014
I'm looking for a formula that will tell me how many times the date in the first column is 5 days or less than the date in the second column. In other words, count how many times column B minus column A is less than or equal to five for the array (i.e. B-A<=5).
I have tried several formulas without success, usually because the cells with text in them throw the formula(s) off.
Here are some examples of formulas that didn't work: