Hello All,
I was searching for assistance with a sumif formula, I am normally able to figure it out on my own but this one is alluding me.
I am trying to sum foreign currencies in different cells from data from the same two columns. I have a cells for USD, EURO, GBP totals. I attempted the following formulas...
=sumif(P6:P110, x6:x110, "=usd")
=sumif(P6:P110, x6:x110, "=euro")
=sumif(P6:P110, x6:x110, "=gbp")
But that is not correct, and I know that it is because I am not specifying the criteria properly. I can't figure out what I step I am missing, I'm sure it is staring me in the face. I need to sum P6:P110 if x6:x110 says USD for USD cell, Euro for EURO cell, and GBP for GBP cell.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.