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excel pie chart and determine values from other tabs

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    excel pie chart and determine values from other tabs

    Hi All

    I have some data made up from several tabs on an excel s/s (attached)

    I would like my 'All Tasks' tab to be the master, and have the status updated depending on wether the tasks exist on one of the other tabs.

    For example if Task 1 exists on in the 'Done' tab I want to update the status to Done on the All tasks tab.

    Finally, I'd like to create a pie chart based on the status

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: excel pie chart and determine values from other tabs

    Formula on All Tasks sheet

    =CHOOSE(IF(ISERROR(MATCH('All Tasks'!A2,Done!$A$1:$A$9,0)),IF(ISERROR(MATCH('All Tasks'!A2,'Not Done'!$A$1:$A$9,0)),IF(ISERROR(MATCH('All Tasks'!A2,Other!$A$1:$A$9,0)),4,3),2),1),"Done","Not Done","Other","Not Found")

    You can then use a COUNTIF formula to build data for pie chart
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