Hi all,

Apologies about the title -- couldn't think of one more descriptive that actually fitted in the space available!

My exact problem is as follows: I am required to email out a pivot table every quarter and the file size must be kept to an absolute minimum. To do this, I have the source data (which is a named range) and the pivot table in separate workbooks. This works fine, however the recipients of the pivot table workbook do not have access to the network share containing the original two files, so I want to avoid confusion by preventing the "Data connections have been disabled" security warning that appears when opening the workbook, and which allows the recipients to attempt to re-establish the connection.

There is however no entry in either the "connections manager" or the "name manager" so I'm not sure where or even if I can break the connection.

So far I have tried:
  • Converting the pivot source named range to refer to a static range (was previously dynamic)
  • Deselecting "Save source data with file" from the pivot table options "Data" tab (probably not wholly relevant to the problem but was worth a shot)
  • Deselecting "Refresh data when opening the file" from the pivot table options "Data" tab

I am not in a position to self-sign a security certificate.
I do not want to use "paste values" as the pivot table makes extensive use of expand/collapse buttons.

Any ideas?

Thanks for reading