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Hide legend items in a graph when associated value = zero or blank

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    Question Hide legend items in a graph when associated value = zero or blank

    I have a graph which picks up Legend Items from column C and percentages from column E. I don't want to delete the rows of information from column C and E where they are blank, as they might be used as process grows. But I don't want these items to appear in the Pie Chart if percentages are zero.

    I've tried clearing any data from those cells, that doesn't work. I end up with an icon for the color within the legend, with no name next to it. I'd like it to not show at all if percentages are zero.

    I've attached a sample Excel file, and I've highlighted the row information in Yellow that I would like to no show in the graph.

    I'm setting this up for others, and trying to automate it as much as possible, so if there is a way to do this so it just happens automatically whenever percentage = zero....that would be incredible!!!

    Thanks for any help!

    - Ben
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