I have a chart with 2 columns: dates (from 1 to 31 of the month) and amounts (amounts that are recorded during the month in several days). The dates are repeated if more than an allocated amount in the days of the month.
When I generate the chart, are the dates on the bottom, summarized by day ...
My problem is that Excel did not stack the numbers of each day clustered on one another. Puts one by one starting from zero, but not above the other.
How do you stack up on each other? Remember we are talking about a single column and a single amounts of dates.
Example of the problem: http://prntscr.com/1lam0z
In the screeh shot we can see the sumarized day 3/02/2013 with the max heigth 500, instead 750, because are 2 numers sumarized... 500 and 250
How do I stack one obove the other?