Hi Everyone,

I have searched the internet and can't seem to make any of the suggestions work. . . so hopefully someone here can help!

I want to create a stacked chart to show monthly progress towards a goal and previous income that has carried over. The idea is best explained as a thermometer chart--"contract fees" should grow each month (not show number for that month, but year to date total for each month) and "carryover" would decrease over time (showing use of previous project budgets deteriorating over time). Does that make sense to anyone? Here's the data I would be using:

Year Month Contract Fees Carryover
2013 Jan $17,901.66 $386000
2013 Feb $630.00 $380000
2013 Mar $22,328.10 $380000
2013 Apr $52,012.80 $370000
2013 May $208,017.90 $360,000
2013 Jun $12,590.00 $331,047
2013 Jul $50,100.00 325000
