
I will do my best to explain a problem that likely already has an answer or cannot be solved. I much appreciate any help or advice!

I am currently using a Pivot Table (tabular) to display my data, which is in regards to analyzing the current and previous sales cycle.
I would like the ability to be able to sort from various fields alphabetically whilst using this as a working document. However, as I understand it, only my first field of Row Data is able to be sorted like this, due to everything else reading as a 'parent' of this data.

I would like to be able to sort REGARDLESS of this first field. To remove the hierarchy in a way. Possible?

I know the obvious answer would be to have the field I want to be sortable as the parent. However that makes my table less user friendly in displaying the data and I will require the use of different fields to be sorted at different times. Is there a way of perhaps reassigning the parent field without moving it around to the first column?

Any advice or help would be amazing. Thank you all!