Hi everyone,

I have an issue with line charts in Excel 2013. I'd like to chart performance by year (2010, 2011, 2012) where the dots are connected with a line, and I'd like to have the target performance as a point which is disconnected from the rest.

I worked on an existing document and (2010, 2011, 2012) + (target) appeared fine, but when I added 2013, it connected to the target point, rather than to the previous years' points.

The data table has the data series in columns C,D,E,F for data and H for the target point. The select data series looks like:


where G has been left empty - hoping that this will create a gap between the points but it didn't. I tried "Select Data" > Hidden and empty cells > Show empty cells as gaps, this did not work either.

I am trying stuff for hours without success, does anybody know how to connect and disconnect points on the line?

line chart.png