Total Excel beginner here:
For a survey, I gave respondents the option of circling one of two choices. For example:
How do you pronounce foyer? FOY-YAY FOY-YUR
When I did data entry into Excel, I assigned each of the choices either an "A" or a "B" for the sake of convenience. Now, I have a huge data table full of "A's" and "B's," with the leftmost column indicating what number question my respondents were answering. I've attached a screen shot below:
Screen Shot 2013-03-20 at 10.34.15 PM.png
My question is: How can I make this a bar graph, where on the X axis I have my question #'s (i.e, C1, C2, C3) and on the Y axis I have frequency of responses? I envision each question # having two bars: one for "A" and one for "B."
If this is a question that's been answered a ton of times, feel free to refer me to a past thread! And cheers from Montreal!