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Dynamic Horizontal + Vertical chart

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kluchy Dynamic Horizontal + Vertical... 03-12-2013, 03:07 AM
Sean Thomas Re: Dynamic Horizontal +... 03-12-2013, 04:07 AM
kluchy Re: Dynamic Horizontal +... 03-12-2013, 04:18 AM
kluchy Re: Dynamic Horizontal +... 03-13-2013, 07:59 AM
  1. #1
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    Dynamic Horizontal + Vertical chart


    I need a chart to can be expanded vertically (limited to say 10 rows) and horizontally (no real limit).

    Now I don't have a lot of experience with excel. From what I have seen so far is that you give it the range to use (but this gets replaced with a absolute value) then you edit the seriesNames and add a OFFSET formula for the values. The Label range is also a OFFSET formula.

    The only way I have found to make the graph expand vertically as well is to add the empty rows below the current ones to the graph as series and a OFFSET for the empty values so when this is populated its added to the graph. EDIT: ok it seems like you can't use a OFFSET formula that has all its fields empty as a values field for a graph.

    I would just like to know if there is another/better way to do this.
    I have attached a sample excel file (it does not have the empty rows added as series values etc)

    Last edited by kluchy; 03-12-2013 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Sean Thomas's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Horizontal + Vertical chart

    check this link, it might help with dynamic ranges with charts


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  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamic Horizontal + Vertical chart


    Yes I used that to get a start, but all these examples are only for a chart that expands either horizontally or vertically. Mine needs to expand BOTH ways. And as far as I can tell you need to add each series ( the vertical growth ) and set its values to a offset formula.

    Did you look at the file I attached?

    EDIT: The link basically tells you that you need to add every series value separately with its own offset formula then it expands either horizontally or vertically (since the value can't be more than one row/column)
    Last edited by kluchy; 03-12-2013 at 04:36 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic Horizontal + Vertical chart

    Ok, so I found a way to (kinda)do it myself.

    What I did was add empty series to the graph as the vertical expansion. Then for the value I used a formula like:
    COUNTIF(Test1!$B$183:$HH$183,">-1")) is a populated row before it so its not equal to 0 like a regular COUNTA would do for that row ( which causes a problem when used as a
    series value.

    Its a really long *** way to do it but its the only way I have found.

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