
Can anyone tell me how to right justify a "third and fourth series" of only one column each, to a "secondary y-axis"?

6 colums of data (current year and prior year) are tied to the first data series and second data series, respectively, which correctly "link" to the primary y-axis on the left side of the graph.

7th column of date on the chart, I only want to tie only to the right side y-axis, (current year - "third series" and prior year "forth series") secondary axis ... yet when i do this, the data for this 7th column is showing up on the left side, on top of, or beside the first column of the series 1 data and series 2 data.

columns 1 through 6 on the chart are 6 catagories of a single day's Sales for both current year and prior year.
column 7 is the total of the 1 through 6 catagories for both current year and prior year - hence the desire to show the totals to a diffent scale, and a secondary y-axis which I have established on the right side of the graph.

I basically want the totals to show on the far right, with only those totals on the far right tied to (and visusally immediately next to} the right secondary y-axis.

Any help would be appreciated.
