As the title says, I am trying to create a workbook that has two pages. On the 'Data' page there will be raw data pasted in from a different report that spits out results in excel format. On the 'Results' page I want to be able to display only the pertinant information from the 'Data' page. The raw data has something like 50-60 columns (all with headers) and I only want to look at 5-6 of them. I basically want to do what a pivot table does but instead of putting out a calculation in the values part I just want it to display the actual data.

Therefore a user could paste in the new raw data, switch the Results worksheet and sort the data by as many different parameters (values in certain columns on the raw data) as I want. Just like a pivot table. Then in the values it puts out the exact values that are in other worksheet. Example:

'Data' work sheet laid out like this:


On the results sheet:

Program Here the user can select any program that shows up in the program column on the Data sheet
Theme Here the user can select any theme that shows up in the theme column on the Data sheet

Blah.........xx......xx......xx Here the values for that program or theme (or both) are displayed.

Any ideas? Thanks for the help!