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Pivot Table using rolling date range and a few adjustments

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    St. George, Utah
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    Excel 2010

    Pivot Table using rolling date range and a few adjustments

    I'm building an attendance tracker for my work. I can pull a ton of data from our business intelligence and it nicely rolls over to a connecting spreadsheet in a pivot table. The data will be pulled for a range of probably a year at a time before I archive and clear out old data, so the workbook will get really big really quickly.

    In the connecting workbook, I do not know how to set the pivot table to only grab a floating 90 window of dates (since the attendance points roll off after 90 days). Is this condition possible?

    Also, is it possible to move the "Grand Total" column to the beginning next to the employee name, instead of 92 columns to the right?

    Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide.


  2. #2
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    Re: Pivot Table using rolling date range and a few adjustments

    Unfortunately, you can not move Grand Total to the top. But you can always Copy and Paste Special the Pivot table and reformat the report any way you want.

    You can set the data range for the 90 day period.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Re: Pivot Table using rolling date range and a few adjustments

    Thank you for the response. I see many options for quarterly windows, but I don't know how to do a rolling 90. Can you provide a little direction on that?

  4. #4
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    Re: Pivot Table using rolling date range and a few adjustments

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by a rolling 90 days.

    I do bonus spreadsheets and I have a column called "Bonus Qtr" and the data says "Jan - Mar13" or "Oct - Dec12". This allows me to pick only the data for a particular quarter. Maybe you can add a similar column.

    Does that help?

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