Hi there ,
A colleague made a reporting file with pivot tables and pie charts, but they need to do things manually for every client separately.
in this file there are 4 sheets : sheet1 with the data , and 3 other sheets with 1 pivot table and 5 pie charts each.
They want me to automate this stuff with VBA , meaning creating the pivot tables ,copying the data from the pivots , adding the charts and link them to the correct data.
- creating the pivots with VBA , Adding charts to a sheet should not be a problem
I tried to add multiple pie charts to 1 pivot table , but this is not working.
Making 5 pivots ( 1 pivot for each chart ) seems to be stupid and the file will take more size ( i think).
copying data from the pivot is not so easy i presume , because i need to determine how many columns the pivot has in order to copy the correct amount of data , and therefor create the correct number of charts.
example of pivot and copied data.
Sum of Orders Column Labels
Row Labels 12 18 AM P12 P18 Grand Total
NOK 371 77 28 39 515
OK 1 5300 619 164 362 6446
Grand Total 1 5671 696 192 401 6961
copied data
NOK 18
OK 18 1
NOK AM 371
OK AM 5300
NOK P12 28
OK P12 164
NOK P18 39
OK P18 362
I could use some help on this issue.
If someone has experience with this , all help is welcome
Kind regards