So you want each "record" to be a series, and each series is a single data point? Excel is not going to be able to parse that kind of arrangement by itself. Here's what you will need to do:

If changing an existing chart:

1) Enter the "source data" dialog (or whatever Excel 2007 calls this dialog)
2) Add, remove, and/or edit series, specifying y range, x range, and name range as appropriate for each data series.
3) End dialog

See this help file for further explanation

I don't know if 2007 still allows you to access the change source data dialog as part of the insert new chart wizard. If so, you can do the same thing while inserting a new chart by stopping at this dialog and performing the steps above.

Recognize that Excel is limited to 255 individual data series, so you are going to run into problems if you have more than 255 data points. An alternative approach, if you do have a lot of data points, would be to plot them all as one data series, then use Rob Bovey's free XY chart labeler addin to label each data point with the text in column A.