I have built a pivot report and then inserted slicers. When I click on a slicer, the data is filtered on the slicer sheet and also reflected on the pivot. However, if I click on the filtered pivot count, I expect the new sheet that opens to only show the filtered data. Instead, all data is displayed.

For example: My pivot counts patients assigned to a doctor. Lets say doctor A has 100 assigned patients. When I click on a slicer field to only show those patients assigned in 2012, doctor A's count drops to 50. When I view the pivot sheet, the count is 50 there as well. This is correct so far. However, when I double click on the 50, the subsequent sheet that opens displays all 100 patients.... I'm expecting only the filtered 50 to show as is what typically happens when you double click on filtered pivot data. Any ideas what could be causing this?
