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Cumulative Line Graph

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    Excel 2003

    Cumulative Line Graph

    I am trying to create a line graph that charts the ups and downs of a weekly set of results.

    I have attached a set of dummy results, but imagine the weeks could co up to 52.

    So what I want on sheet 1 is a line graph that shows a cumulative running total. But I want it to split the data up by weeks and only when column D on sheet 2 equals EPL.


    Week 1(sheet 2) has 11 EPL results with a total value of 45.99. Week 2 has 18 EPL results with a total value of -14.29

    So week 1 would be on the bottom axis and would have a value of £45.99 and then week 2 would be the next point and this value would be £31.70 (45.99 – 31.70) and it would continue like this week after week.

    Is this possible to do?
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