Hi to everybody, I own the Italian version of Excel 2010, so I'll try to translate things, I hope you'll understand.

I have a table which stores my expenses. The columns headers are: DATE - AMOUNT - CATEGORY. So for example a row can be "01/01/2012, -30€, Restaurant" if I pay for something, or "01/01/2012, 1000€, Monthly Wage" if I get money for something.

From this table I've created a Pivot Table with:
- DATE, grouped for years and months, as row label
- CATEGORY, as column label
- SUM of AMOUNT, in values label

That's working perfectly fine.

Now, what I'd like to do, is to create a filter to display either the expenses (where AMOUNT < 0, because I've paid for that), or the incomes (where AMOUNT > 0, because I get money).
I tried to drop AMOUNT in the "report filter label" (I mean the 4th kind of field in a pivot table, not row, not column, not value). But when I try to filter the table using this filter, I only get the possibility to include or exclude a single amount, I mean to filter "by hand" all the possible values the AMOUNT column has. Clearly that's ok for a short table, but in case of thousands of values that's impossible to do. So, I'd like to create a filter to create two sub-pivot table: 1) a pivot table which summarises only the row where AMOUNT < 0; 2) a pivot table which summarises only the row where AMOUNT > 0.

How could I do that? I hope I made myself clear.

Thank you very much.
