I have one Master file with the raw revenue data and a master pivot table that I had created from the raw data.

Using the data from the Master file, I create separate Excel files for each customer. So, I copy the Master pivot table and paste it into a new Excel file. From here, I filter for the specific customer and create different charts, etc. I am forced to copy and paste multiple pivot tables because I create charts and graphs for different types of information; therfore, I have multiple pivot tables on multiple sheet tabs in one customer Excel file. Overall, I have over about 50 customer files like this.

The issue is that in going forward- at the end of each month, I will add another month worth of data to the raw data sheet in the Master file. But, I would need the pivot tables in the individual customer files to update as well and therefore update the charts and graphs I had created using the pivot tables. I would like to make this procedure as painless as possible for the user