Hello there,

This is my first post so please go easy on me.

I have been looking at some line charts I have been building, and part of the requirement was to apply different colour formats to the x-axis, so negative values in red, positive black, now I thought this would be pretty straightforward, but I found when writing the formatting, you could apply a custom format, but it wouldn't pick up in the chart....strangely, you can do the same thing with the y-axis without any trouble. I have found that this isn't true when using scatter charts, but is for bar and line.

I have found a work around for it, by applying two separate series, using the categories, and implementing it as a pseudo x-axis...but its a bit of an ugly solution and I would be interested to know if there is a way to use the colour formatting on the x-axis, and if not, why not?

Thank you.