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How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

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  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    Hi all
    I've created a pivot table, summarizing each salesperson's portfolio.
    I have sliders that enables the user to filter the data by
    - Salesperson (40 to choose from)
    - Manager (5 to choose from)
    - Month

    Currently I have a Pie chart based on these filters, that displays the "Top 10" customers.
    What I would like to do is have the pie chart display the Top 9 customers, and have the rest under an "other" category, rather than only the Top 10. Not sure how easy this is, but i am hoping it can be done.

    With no filters applied, the "TOP 10" customers account for 59% of the overall revenue. If i am able to implement this "other" category, the Pie chart could be for 100% of the revenue, and be a more accurate representation.

    Thanks in advance.
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    One option is to group all of the 'other' items in the pivot. Select them, right click and click group - then collapse the fields. If you would like to view the detail (items in the group), you can simply expand the new group that is created using the expand/collapse button.

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    I've attached a sample of my scenario.
    This essentially will be a dashboard, so i've made it so someone can easily filter and see the portfolio for a particular salesperson, or for a particular manager.
    Because I am using slicers, I can't use formulas to determine what should go in the other category, as the filters the user is selecting are not in cells, but are the slicers.
    cgc17 - I wouldn't be able to manually do this, as the user will be switching the criteria, thus switching what will be in the "Other" group.
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  4. #4
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    edit: I found some pretty good tutorials on slicers. This was my first time seeing them, so I was a bit thrown off at your "magic" at first!

    You've gone more advanced than me here, but that is a very cool file. Can you point me in the direction of any resources (books or online) that cover creating dashboards like that?
    Last edited by cgc17; 11-13-2012 at 11:19 PM.

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    I figured out the solution. It was pretty simple, which I figured it would be, just couldn't think of it at first.
    I removed the "top 10" filter that I was using, and simply used formulas to display the first 9 entries in the data, and then sum the remaining customers in the list. Appears to work fine.

    Interms of references I would suggest

    His whole site is pretty useful, but if you search "slicers" he has quite a few articles. I couldn't wrap my head around Pivot Tables a month ago, but the articles on slicers I read was a good incentive to learn.
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  6. #6
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    Awesome, thanks Melvinrobb!

  7. #7
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

    Hi everybody, I see that there wasn't a conversation for a year. Did anyone try to do this by using a tabular model cube as a data source? For example: I have 300+ companies in my data and all data is refreshed based on a time filter. In a pivot chart, I want to display top 10 companies + sum of everything else. However, the top 10 companies aren't the same every month (or year) so it needs to be dynamic.
    Does anybody have a solution or an idea on this topic?

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    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: How to make a Pivot Table "Top 10" include an "other" category.

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