What I'm attempting to do is through the use of a drop down list have my four graphs automatically change depending on which option is selected from the drop down list.
My data contains a Region: WEST,ONT, QUE, NFLD, MAR, each region has cost drivers, I've selected four that I want to graph. Admin Hours, Dock Hours, Hired Truck Cost, Agency Cost. All of these are dollar costs.
My data source is quite large nearly 5000 entries, with entries spanning all 12 months. So I
I need to produce four graphs one that would graph the monthly cost of each of these drivers, but I need to be able to change their regions with the click of a button so I can see all four graphs for one region at a time. So the drop down list would list the Regions and the four graphs change depending on which region is selected.
The graphs and the data would be in separate tabs.
Does anyone know how to do this? I'm sure it's possible but I'm inexperienced with Excel and any help would be great.