I have a large amount of data, consisting of three columns with many rows. The first column holds the name of items, the second one defines its type and the third one the amount in stock. My goal is to create an interactive (and possibly easy to understand) pivot table that can:

1. Show only the names of the items of the proper type and/or amount in stock that the user chooses (for example if he wants to see all plumbing-type items that we have exactly 10 in stock)
2. Show the type and count next to the item name (in columns), despite that they are being at the same time filtered by the user.

The first problem is I do not know how to achieve the layout/design and the second is that some items have more than one type, for example lets say a certain item is plumbing AND electrical, I want it to show both when the user chooses plumbing and electrical.

If this cannot be done with a pivot table (or there is just an easier alternative), you are free to offer me other ideas, which I will appreciate, since I do not fancy pivot tables all that much. The main problem is that it has to be interactive and as user-friendly as possible.

Thank you!