Hi Guys, looking for some hep with a pivot table which counts the results of cell formula

I have a data set with a number of columns with nested IF formulae to provided a value if certain conditions are met, and if not met, return a NULL STRING, i.e =If(A1=1,1,"").

I want to summarise (by counting) the results in a pivot table and then have the option to select the data values in the pivot table so that it returns the relevant data.

The problem I am having is that the pivot table is counting Null string values too. So, logically, I changed settings to Sum the values and changed the Null string to a zero, i.e. =If(A1=1,1,0). This works to summarise the data in the pivot table, summing the total of all items which meet my criteria check. However, when i select the summed data values in the pivot table (to generate a new worksheet with the relevant data to be reviewed), it returns all the data items with either "1" or "0" in the cells, rather than just the ones which are summed and excluding the cells with "0" in.

Is there a relatively simple way to get around this? So far, I can only think of copy and paste special all the formulae values (i.e. "0" & "1") in each cell and writing a macro to then CLEAR the cells containing the value "0" (or a null string depending on formulae used), which might not even work? This is beyond my skill level and not practical and the spreadsheet will be passed to very basic excel users to put their data into daily, so the formulas will need to remain to do the condition checks on new data each day.

Does anyone have any help they can provide please or a post they can pass me to?

Fingers crossed!