Hi, I'm having a very frustrating time...

I need a chart that has 26 different series so I can define each series with a custom error amount to show the deviation in each result. After custom setting the error I will manually remove all the colored columns so I'm just left with the error bar as shown by the first entry in 'Chart 1' below:
Chart 1.png

The way I worked out to do this is by using a column chart, and the process is slow. There may be a more appropriate chart type to do this with, which can also automatically read the deviation for each entry, which i could re-enter as upper and lower amounts.

I am slowly getting there but am stuck on how to get my now multiple series column chart to link each series to category (X) axis labels. Strangely is shows the whole X axis category labels as the first entry label. I can get it to link category (X) axis labels if all the data appears in one series, as shown in 'Chart 2' below:
chart 2.png

Any clues would make me very happy!!
I'm using Excel 2004 for Mac v11.5