Okay, so this is my first time to this forum and thank goodness it exists!I am attempting to automate text values into another spreadsheet and convert that data into numerical values.
For example:
Say I have 4 columns and 200 rows. For kicks and giggles' sake, I am recording various apple consumer data for a major apple tree farm:
Macintosh, Washington Red, Yellow Delicious and Granny Smith
Now, of those apples, I want to evaluate who's giving props for each one. So I am going to record negative sentiments, neutral sentiments and positive sentiments.
I will also record values for how many of each were sold, among other subject matter.
By month's end, I am going to have to filter through a LOT of data #s to transfer to another spreadsheet.
So here's my question: How do I automatically convert this text data (for instance, "negative sentiments") for the particular apple brand to load onto another sheet without manual filtering/sorting? I would want the term "Negative" to equal "1"; and for every "1" term that appears on one spreadsheet can be transferred and tabulated on another? Make sense? Any help is greatly appreciated!