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Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

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  1. #1
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    Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum


    I have a series of Spreadsheets for Speedway results. (Motor bikes)

    On any particular sheet, a riders average is calculated as ((Points+Bonus)/Rides)X4 - this gives a consistent average for all team members based on a usual set of 4 rides per meeting.

    The Chart to show this would have columns

    However, when I create a further spreadsheet, to collate multi seasons with a pivot chart, the column for Average doesn't work, as it doesn't fit the 'Summarize field by' criteria, IE it isn't a Sum of averages, or a count of averages, as it will always be as per the calculation above.
    I would prefer to have the Average column in the same place, and the only way I have thought to do this is a regular formula outside the Pivot.
    This produces several 'problems'
    a) It isn't in the place I want it
    b) I want to sort the table by Highest to Lowest on these averages, which obviously works automatically on the Pivot data if I tell it which to sort.
    c) As seasons progress, and riders are added, I have several changes to make, not only in Source data, but then also adding the extra manual formulas.

    I hope all this makes sense, and wondered if anyone can think of another way around this?

    Last edited by neil40; 07-25-2012 at 12:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

    Hi Neil,

    What if you copy the data and Paste using Values Only to another sheet. If you were to take many races and Paste Values Only and then do a Pivot of these numbers (without the formulas) you may get what you desire. If that is wrong, then I'd need to see why your formula interferes with the Pivot. You can attach a sample workbook showing what is wrong and we can look at the problem.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

    OK, let me try and illustrate what I have done so far
    3 files
    1948.xlsx (complate data)
    1949.xlsx (work in progress, but enough to illustrate)
    Overall.xlsx (contains the Pivot and data pulled from 1948/49 files

    So for just one rider, my data on a sheet in 'Overall.xlsx' pulled from 1948 and 1949 is
    1948/Bob Smith/43/171/303/9/7.30/61/39/42/18/9/2
    1949/Bob Smith/2/8/16/2/9.00/3/3/1/1/0/0

    So on the 1948 Sheet, the average is gained from ((303+9)/171)*4) = 7.30
    Likewise, so far for 1949 ((16+2)/8)*4) = 9.00

    If those get put in a Pivot, the Average options would be Sum of Average which works out to 16.30 or Count Of Average which works out to 2.00 or Average of Average which is 8.15
    It should be ((319+11)/179)*4 = 7.37

    Any clearer?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

    Hi neil,

    It would have been easier if you gave me a workbook to use, so I wouldn't have to build my own. See if the attached is what you want.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

    You've done exactly what I did MarvinP - I have built a Pivot like that, with a manual formula
    Sorry for not attaching a sheet.
    The problems are:
    1 - I need to display all the columns in my Pivot, and the traditional way of displaying stats within the sport, is exactly in the order as shown, so that the riders average is shown after Points and Bonus Points.
    2 - Each time I add a year/rider, the manual formula will continually need to be added, and takes out the automated nature of the pivot, where I only need to change the data source traditionally.
    3 - I need to sort the pivot by highest to lowest average.

    ---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------

    I solved it MarvinP

    I have added a Calculated Field with this formula:
    = (Points+Bonus)/Rides*4
    I can then put that in the Pivot anywhere I need it.
    In fact, I altered this to account for zero's thus:
    =IF(R =0,0, (Points+Bonus)/Rides*4)
    Last edited by neil40; 07-25-2012 at 12:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

    Hey Neil40,

    Could you attach your pivot table so we could all see how you did a Calculated Field. I'd like to check the calculated field answer agains the one I gave.

  7. #7
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    Re: Pivot Chart - unusual average conumdrum

    I am learning about Pivot Chart. MarvinP shared valuable file here. It is helpful for learning more about pivot chart.

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