You've done exactly what I did MarvinP - I have built a Pivot like that, with a manual formula
Sorry for not attaching a sheet.
The problems are:
1 - I need to display all the columns in my Pivot, and the traditional way of displaying stats within the sport, is exactly in the order as shown, so that the riders average is shown after Points and Bonus Points.
2 - Each time I add a year/rider, the manual formula will continually need to be added, and takes out the automated nature of the pivot, where I only need to change the data source traditionally.
3 - I need to sort the pivot by highest to lowest average.
---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------
I solved it MarvinP
I have added a Calculated Field with this formula:
I can then put that in the Pivot anywhere I need it.
In fact, I altered this to account for zero's thus:
=IF(R =0,0, (Points+Bonus)/Rides*4)