Good morning to all, My fisrt visit here and I want to thank you for accepting me in your community. I am very good with Excel, at leat I taught I was until I came face to face with a problem a collegue submitted to me. Now I need your help resolving this problem. For the sake of the forum, I have reduced the size and complexity of the file. Here is my problem.
I have a serie of data in 4 colums. Colum 1 has a serie of numbers ranging from -5.0 to 5.0 in a downscaling and upscaling motion. Column 2 is a segment of a whole. Column 3 represents the "X" on a graphic and column 4 the "Y". From this data, I have to extract another serie of data. It needs to be represented in the same way, meaning a segment after the other. I have a different criteria for each segment; for example for segment 1, I need to have all the values that are superior or equal to -1.0 to be extracted. For segment 2, I need to have all the values that are inferior or equal to 3.0 to be extracted. And so on for all segments. The resulting data will be used to design a graph which in it's finality should be sineus. You can refer to my exeample. Thank you very much for your help. have a nice day