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Peak Flow chart

  1. #1
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    Peak Flow chart


    I am relatively new to excel, and most of what I already know, I have picked up by trial and error.

    as an asthma sufferer, I thought a good project to work on to practice using excel, would be creating a peak flow chart. I'm not really sure how I would go about it, still being a new user and all.

    any advice in how to go about creating this would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    What sort of data have you got?

  3. #3
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    I haven't got any data other than the results from the peak flow test when I take it.

    I take the test twice a day, first thing at morning, and last thing at night, by blowing into a peak flow meter. the markings on the side of the meter go from 60-800.

    this is sort of what I am after, but I would like to learn how to make it myself.


  4. #4
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    If I were creating such a chart:

    1) Put your data into two columns: 1st column to contain the test date/time, 2nd column will contain the corresponding test result.

    2) Select the data columns, then click Insert -> Chart to bring up the chart wizard

    3) Select the desired chart type. I'd use either a line chart or a scatter plot, depending on whether I wanted to treat the test date/time as a number (scatter plot) or a category (line chart). I'd probably do a line chart in this case.

    4) Finish out the wizard and see if it looks like what you want.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    Please have a look at the attachment.

    Enter your data in columns A, B and D - all the rest should be automatic

    I've used data validation to ensure that only dates are entered in column A , AM/PM in B and a number in the allowable range in D.

    An event driven macro will insert a formula in C to form a composite value for the data/time.

    The data in columns C and D are described as named ranges which are used to drive the chart.

    I've started the sheet off with some (pessimistic ) fake data for demonstration purposes.

    Hope this helps.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    I tried to load the file, but it says it contains errors, then when I try to close it, it freezes excel.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    Try this version.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    sorry for the late reply, been busy with more pressing issues.

    I have been messing with excel some more, and I have managed to get the chart to somehow how I wanted it, however, I am experiencing an issue with the graph showing the content.

    when I enter the data on the first sheet, it's not displaying it on the chart.

    any ideas why this is the case?
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    Last edited by DC.Pipp; 07-04-2011 at 06:57 AM.

  9. #9
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    Please see the attached.

    I've changed the chart type to a scatter plot and introduced an additional column which converts the AM/PM into a fraction of a day.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Peak Flow chart

    Quote Originally Posted by mrice View Post
    Please see the attached.

    I've changed the chart type to a scatter plot and introduced an additional column which converts the AM/PM into a fraction of a day.
    I appreciate the help, but that is kind of taking the chart away from what I am after and moving it in another direction. maybe at some point I will give that a try though, so thanks.

    I have been making a bit more headway, mostly by trial and error, but it seems that when I overcome one hurdle, I manage to come across another.

    I have got the chart pretty much fixed, but I am struggling to find out how to fix an issue with the lines on the chart itself.

    this is an image of what I am referring to


    as you can see, after the last point is plotted on the chart, another line is automatically being drawn to zero on the following entry column. how do I configure the line to end at the last point?

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