Many many thanks for you reply and post Teylyn.
I really do appreciate it alot
I looked at it when I got in from work at 6.30am this morning (God how I hate night shifts),,,
I really want to reply with an in depth post, and amend my spreadsheet as best as possible, but I have to go to work again tonight (In 40mins).
I've started doing some stuff, but it isn't complete.
So, this is a thank you reply, and to say I will be replying in full, hopefully tomorrow.
That said, I did read your post,
I really liked the clever but of "new" "last", "middle",, very nice.
I downloaded your spreadsheet, but the chart & repeat/win/loss columns wouldn't refresh like the "Status", "Count","Position" columns.
I am using excel 2007.
The chart is exactly how I would want it,,, with repeats & % labeled etc.
Never heard of XY chart labeler,,, have installed it,, not had time to look yet.
For now, I upload a newer version of my sheet,, again, I haven't had chance to do it as best I can yet,,, as have to go to work very soon,, but at least you can get an idea of my thinking.
I have "sleeper cells",, which could house your "count" & "count" columns etc.
So,, hopefully the chart could be integrated into my sheet.
I'm late now, trying to get something together, so annoying running out of time...
Here is my sheet now.
Sleeper cells highlighted yellow,, I think I can now delete due to formulas in statistic cells.
Not sure if column N is needed?
Can't get I6 cell to work,,,
I8 & AA8 need sorting also,, but it is getting there Teylyn.
Hopefully soon I can integrate your chart with this kind of sleeper cell format?
Have to go,, I attach chart.
Again, many thanks,, and I'll get back soon.
All the best
The Ghost