
I have read through every post that the searches i thought might get me relevant information and not found a solution. appologies if this is one of those issues that people bring up every few days. i have had no luck finding a solution as yet.

I am trying to plot temperature data for a year on a chart. there should be one value for each day however some days are missing data. What i want to acheive is a break in the line when no data exists and not interpolation or zero values. i also need for the x axis to keep every value ie i dont want it to miss a day because it has no data.

I can get this to work perfectly if i manually delete the formula in cells that return no data. However if i make the value of the cell "" or N/A or NULL() or any other thing i think is sensible i can only get the chart to either put in zero's or draw a line between the last value and the next value.

i have played with many different iterations of settings under the chart options on how to deal with blank cells.

i have considered using seperate series for each 'block' of data, however i need this to be automatic and cant see a way to do this.

My backup option is to run some vbs on the column to copy all non zero values to a seperate column and therefore ensure true blank cells. this seems a bit of a cheat, however.

I hope this makes sense. i will attach an example if it would help. i imagine this will be a simple 'this is why you are being an idiot' type of answer though!
