Hi Guys,

I'll pre-empt this by saying that I've never really used Excel for much apart from just recording very simple data, and so the following is quite a leap for me so please be gentle

I have a workbook to help me track of the ranking of a website. The workbook contains several sheets, and basically the data looks a bit like this:

HTML Code: 
Although the existing info is useful, what I would like to be able to do is display the info via a chart so that it's visually easier to pic out any trends.

Would someone be able to point me in the right direction to get me started? Is it possible to create charts across multiple workbooks?

There is also a slight complication in that from time to time I add / remove search terms from the results.... as a result, the cell position of a search term may differ from sheet to sheet.

As a result, I guess I need to do something which says: "look for this search term in each sheet, then compare the data, and render in a graph" as opposed to saying "go to cell B7 in each sheet"... as that might display the wrong data - hope that makes sense?)

Any help would be really, really appreciated!


Sorry - I forgot to say that I'm using Excel 2007 and 2003