How can you make a Charts Tile equal to a cell value?
How can you make a Charts Tile equal to a cell value?
Hi there,
Select the chart title, enter "=" (the equals sign, without quotes) in the formulabar & then select the cell whose contents you want to have as the chart title.
Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.
Greg M
Hello Greg
Thanks works perfectly - I notice that you can only refer to a cell, and cannot build a string though.
E.g. I have a cell A1 with 29 in it, but the Chart Tile needs to be 29" TV's, so I tried putting '=A1 & " TV's". Not serious though, I built the string in another cell and referred to that.
Thanks again!!
Hi again Richard,
Many thanks for the feedback - delighted to have helped.
You're right about being able to enter only a cell reference, and you've successfully discovered the workaround!
For information, if you want to add extra titles/messages/notes to your chart, just select the chart itself (not the chart title) & use the same procedure - enter = and then select the cell whose contents you want to use. This will place a new text box "somewhere" on the chart, and you can then position & format it to suit.
Best regards,
Greg M
Hello Greg
Was just fiddling with textboxes when I saw your post, and the Extra bit at the bottom about additional info blocks - so it was actually just what I was looking for!!!!!
Thanks again
You're very welcome - we aim to please
All the best,
Greg M
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