Is it possible to have the title on a column chart change with the cotents of a specific cell? I would like to have the chart automatically change the title of the chart when the user changes the value of a given cell. Thanks for any help.
Is it possible to have the title on a column chart change with the cotents of a specific cell? I would like to have the chart automatically change the title of the chart when the user changes the value of a given cell. Thanks for any help.
sure - something like the following which assumes you put the desired title in cell a1 of activesheet and sheets "mychart" is the chart in question
Title = Range("A1").Text Sheets("Mychartl").Select ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Select Selection.Characters.Text = Title
not a professional, just trying to assist.....
Thanks for the reply. Where would I place this code?
create a, macro, etc
Another way to name it is by creating the Title first. After that click on the title then in the formula bar write the formula such as "=A3". The graph title would be the same as the content in cell A3.
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