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attach a label to the lines in my excel chart

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    attach a label to the lines in my excel chart


    I have a simple line chart which draws 5 lines (could be more).

    Instead of (or as well as) having a legend displayed which shows what the lines represent, I would like to display the label for each line right on the chart.

    If I choose to label the series, it labels each data point, which messes the whole thing up.

    I would like 1 label per line.

    Does anyone know how to do this?



  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Android

    I have a simple line chart which draws 5 lines (could be more).

    Instead of (or as well as) having a legend displayed which shows what the lines represent, I would like to display the label for each line right on the chart.

    If I choose to label the series, it labels each data point, which messes the whole thing up.

    I would like 1 label per line.

    Does anyone know how to do this?



    I think the answer you are looking for is that if it is possible it would be under http://www.appspro.com/Utilities/Utilities.htm but this thread will probably become one of many locked or deleted by the over-active Forum Police who see Rule infringements that others could not imagine.

    I was amused recently to see a thread with responses by dominicb and Dave Peterson firstly 'Locked' and then 'Deleted' for rule infringements. When questioned the moderator concerned replied "My actions had nothing to do with who had posted to the thread - many of the current forum rules did not exist 20 months ago when the messages were posted. I beleive that the moderators have to follow the same rules as everyone else & I will take the same action on them as I do to other posters. As I do not check every thread somethings will get through." which I guess leaves one wondering if they are ex-members of the 'Hitler Youth Movement', or perhaps ex-Traffic Wardens.

    The FAQ describes moderators as "particularly helpful and knowledgeable", but makes no mention of their devotion and diligence towards the finer points of rule observance.

    A post with the title "Need to delete 2 characters from the middle of a cell" shows as "Locked - Title does not comply with forum rules", well done the OP, another first-time poster incurring the wrath of the Forum police.

    Another recent post was locked and then deleted because the OP dared to ask about Sheet passwords. If you Google 'MVP' a response returned is "Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) are exceptional technical community leaders" and many of these persons have sites that will explain Sheet passwords (and their removal), which are, lets face it, some sort of humour inflicted upon the Excel community. It is probably wiser to use PostIt Notes rather than Sheet passwords, for greater security, but the Rules state . . . etc. . . .

    good luck with your labels.
    Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.

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