If you want to email me direct, do not post to NG, an example I will
take a look.


scott.r.schumacher@boeing.com wrote:
> I tried it but my area chart on the secondary axis gets flipped upside
> down
> Andy Pope wrote:
>>That should not be a problem.
>>I just built a chart with
>>2 series stacked area on primary
>>1 area on secondary
>>1 xy-scatter on secondary
>>Did you try it and it failed?
>>scott.r.schumacher@boeing.com wrote:
>>>I'm using a scatter plot on the secondary axis. Any other options?
>>>Andy Pope wrote:
>>>>Move the series that is not to be stacked on to the secondary axis.
>>>>Double click series and check secondary on the axis tab.
>>>>You may have to play with the scale values in order to stop the single
>>>>area masking the stacked areas. Unless of course that is what you want
>>>>to do.
>>>>scott.r.schumacher@boeing.com wrote:
>>>>>Is it possible to create a stacked area and area combo chart. I have 2
>>>>>series that need to be stacked and one that needs to be just area. If I
>>>>>change the one, it changes all.
>>>>Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel

>>Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel



Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel