I found your website and solution just minutes after posting my question. An
ingenious workround! The problem is that this makes the data table quite
complex. I would like to build in these formuales and then hide the cells but
as soon as you hide data it is no longer available for charts!
Another option would be to have the additional series and formulae in an
area outside of the print area and then view in 'print preview'
The table I have created is to be used by non excel experts so I have to
keep it as simple to use as possible and lock or conceal any formula to
prevent tampering!
"Jon Peltier" wrote:
> Conditional Charts:
> - Jon
> -------
> Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
> Peltier Technical Services
> Tutorials and Custom Solutions
> _______
> "Peter Shore" <Peter> wrote in message
> > Excel - 2003 or previous.
> > Conditional formating on cells is useful but I would like to see this on
> > graphs as well.
> > For example in a bar graph chart the series colour can be set either
> > automatically or manually. A single data point can be set manually to a
> > different colour.
> > I would like to change a data point bar by condition / comparing to a
> > value.
> > The application is to 'flag' a data point by colour change if the value
> > exceeds a certain comparison value.
> >